It’s a…BOY!

  1. Hadley Hammond says:

    Congratulations!!!!! Can’t wait to watch your beautiful journey!! Baby boy Denner is going to be such an angel!

  2. Samantha says:

    Congratulations!! You’re going to be a great mama to that little boy! 💙

  3. Cassandra says:

    Congratulations! I was in tears watching the video. Such a special moment! You’re going to be a great boy mom. 💙xo.

  4. Meghan says:

    I have a little girl and littler boy. Each relationship is so unique and wonderful but I have to say I literately want to eat up my little boy with a spoon every day. They are truly delicious and love you something fierce. Keep enjoying the ride!

  5. Candice says:


  6. Sharon says:

    Congratulations! You’re going to be an amazing boy mom! I have three nephews and am dying for a niece but love my nephews because they are so down to play. But they fart a lot, ha, they’re toddlers now, I guess that’s what boy toddlers do.

  7. Rebecca says:

    Congratulations! So Exiting!! 💕

  8. Natalie says:

    I am 11 weeks pregnant and find out our bloodwork soon too! I loved your video. I almost cried!!!

    With my first son who is 9 years old now I KNEW it was a boy. I kind of think I am having a girl now but I am still iffy.

    Anyways, Congrats!!! Being a Boy Mom is the best!!! My son is everything to me and to my husband. ❤️


  9. Stephanie says:

    I’m 38 weeks with our first little dude and I feel you on the cute boy clothes girl! But they exist! Tucker and Tate from Nordstrom is our absolute favorite! And H&M has THE BEST boy outfits that are super adorbs but also reasonable so you dont feel bad buying a million things (I went on a spree when we found out it made the beginning so much more real to get all those little shoes and swim shorts for the hot CA sun!). I am so excited for you both, baby Denner is so blessed!








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