Blogging Q&A + Two Year Blog Anniversary

  1. Really enjoyed this post! What platform do you use for your site?

  2. Melissa says:

    I absolutely adore your blog posts, and this is super-helpful– thank you! Would you mind sharing how to go about setting up Affiliate links and sponsorship accounts or relationships? I’m assuming this is best to do once you gain a strong following– is that correct? 😊

    • Daryl-Ann says:

      Hi Melissa! I did a post all about affiliate links and the company I work with (the link is up in this post under the “how to monetize your blog” question)! As far as sponsorship relationships go, I typically don’t reach out to brands and the relationship usually begins when they contact me 🙂 Hope that helps! xoxo

  3. Barbara says:

    Thank you for sharing this. I have been thinking about doing something like this and your blog has helped me understand more of what to expect.

    • Daryl-Ann says:

      Hi Barbara! So great to hear that it was helpful to you! Thank you so much for reading! xoxo, Daryl-Ann

  4. Christine says:

    Such a great post, you have become one of my favorite bloggers and I enjoyed learning more about you. I absolutely love your style, and as a fellow petite girl get a lot of inspiration from you, but I really like your personality. You come across as such a genuine and kind person, very easy to watch and follow!

  5. Amanda Proto says:

    Hey there! Just wanted to show some support and say I love your blog, posts, and style! You are the first blog I’ve ever been interested in and enjoy reading/viewing 😊 I also made some Nordstrom purchases through your blog. Wish I could buy everything you have lol. Keep going! Love all the frequent updates and seeing how much you include your hubby!!

    • Amanda Proto says:

      PS I also love your personality! You are so sweet, kind, and genuine! If you lived nearby we’d be BFFs lol thanks for being you 💕

      • Daryl-Ann says:

        Hey Amanda! Your comment totally made my day and we SO would be bffs! Thank you so much for your support! It really does mean the world to me, and if I could I would totally give you a hug…haha! xoxo, Daryl-Ann

  6. Haley says:

    Hi Daryl-Ann,

    I loved getting to read your blogging journey and how God guided you through it. I’ve loved hearing about it from Katie over the years, and getting to see the anniversary post was even better! I’m completely in love with your blog, and cannot wait to see with what else you have.

    Thank you for being so kind and genuine. It truly shows in all of your content, and even more so in person. Thank you for this insight into your life. I loved it!

    • Daryl-Ann says:

      Hi Haley! I’m so glad you commented 🙂 YOU are the sweetest and so, so kind! Can’t wait to see you hopefully again soon! xx, Daryl-Ann

  7. Love you, girl! You’ve rocked the socks off the blogging industry! Super proud of your hard work and dedication to your growing tribe! <3








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