2018 Goals

style blogger daryl-ann denner shares her 2018 goals and reflects on 2017Looking back on 2017 like, 👋.

Every New Year, Daniel and I make it a priority to physically write down our goals for the upcoming year.  I hate calling them resolutions because that has such a negative connotation that comes with it.  Rather than wanting to just change ourselves, we want to be better and achieve more, and for that, the word “goals” jut sounds much more fitting.

When we sit down to write them, we think of what we did well the previous year, and what areas we want to improve and grow in that did not serves us well the prior year.  And we don’t just write down the areas we want to do better in, but also those we did well in that we want to consciously continue in the new year.

We make three lists: our goals as a family, my personal goals, and Daniel’s personal goals.  Within those we include spiritual, business, fitness, as well as more personal ones.  As a jumpstart to one of my personal goals this year, I thought I would share my list with you.  So, here’s to being more open and vulnerable in 2018!

My 2018 Goals

Be less busy

In 2017 I was crazy busy…too busy. I had no time for family, friends, or even Daniel, let alone myself.  I’ve noticed that I idolize a busy schedule, when really it’s just a selfish and unfulfilling lifestyle.  This year I want to attain work/life balance where I have a designated start and end time (6pm!).  It can be tough when you work for yourself to just STOP, but no amount of money or growth is worth the sacrifice.

Be more vulnerable and open

You may be surprised to know that I’m a huge introvert. Over the past few years, I’ve learned to embrace it rather than force myself to be someone I’m not.  But it does cause me to be more closed off with people than I want to be.  This year I want to work on sharing more of my life with everyone, including YOU!  Starting with this blog post…

Attempt more video content

Speaking of stepping out of my comfort zone, video! Video content is so intimidating to me, but every time I do it, I get so much positive feedback!  Mattea and I have so much more video content planned for this coming year, and I am so excited to share it with you…well, and a little nervous…haha!

Make my bed every day

There’s something to be said for starting each day with a made bed. It gives structure and organization to your day right from the beginning.  I struggle with feeling like I’m frazzled throughout the day, but when I start with structure it definitely helps!

Do one round (12 weeks) of BBG

Working out regularly is something I have done well for the past few years, but I have wanted to try BBG for so long and I am finally doing it in 2018! I’ve already recruited my partner (hey, Mattea that’s you!).

Be more joyful + kind

Not only did my busyness steal my time last year, but it also stole a lot of my joy. Because I was always rushing around everywhere, I didn’t take the time to stop and just be kind to others.  This year, as I slow down, I want to be a joy to those I come in contact with: strangers and family members.

Read 10 books

Reading is one of my favorite hobbies and last year I didn’t get the chance to read as much as I like to. This year I’m so excited to read more!  Be on the lookout because we’re going to share what books I’m excited about later this month!

Lead a small group

Every year one of my goals has ben to participate in a small group at my church, and even though I have gone through all the classes to lead one, I never have. This year I want to step out of my comfort zone and co-lead a group.

Do a daily devotional

I love devotionals, but over the past couple years, I haven’t been consistent with one. In 2018, I want it to be a daily habit of mine, just like making my bed.  This way I am getting some of the Word in me whether I have time to read for a long time or just a few minutes.  Jesus Calling is one of my all-time favorites (they have an app on your phone, too!), but I’m searching for a new one to try!  Let me know if you have any suggestions!

Store my phone away from my bed

Checking my phone right when I wake up in the morning and scrolling through until I fall asleep at night is one of my worst habits. I waste so much time in the morning scroll through every social media channel, and causes me to rush instead of relax while I get ready.  And at night I could be using that time to read or talk to Daniel.  This year I am going to try storing it away from my nightstand to avoid the temptation to just pick it up and waste time.

If I could encourage you in a few things when making your goals for 2018 they would be:

Actually write them down

There’s something to be said for writing something with pen and paper versus just typing it on your phone or computer. Good, old-fashioned writing is how we always do ours and for some reason it makes it so much more concrete.

Make them attainable

There’s nothing worse than feeling beat up by your own goals. We like to make the majority of ours attainable, and then add in some that seem impossible.  We’ve got to leave some room for God to work, right?

Pull them out every quarter

You’ll be surprised after the first quarter at the progress you’re making on them just by the effort you made to write them down in the first place. Pulling them out multiple times during the year just keeps them at the forefront of your mind, and allows you not only to gauge how you’re doing but also to make adjustments where you need to.

Don’t just write out the things you need to work on, but also include what you do well and want to continue doing well on.

Having a list of only things you’re bad at is discouraging right from the beginning. But writing out something you do well in boosts the confidence you have in yourself that will help you accomplish the others that you are working on.

Have an accountability partner

Whether it be your husband, mom, or best friend, having someone who knows your goals and wants to help you achieve them is crucial! A team is always stronger than an individual and accountability helps every person to accomplish more!

What are some of the goals you want to accomplish in 2018?!






  1. 1.2.18
    Sharon said:

    Your tips for how to make your goals attainable a great. Thanks for sharing and Happy 2018!

  2. 1.2.18
    Katie H said:

    I love reading and my goal for 2017 was to keep a list of everything I read. I just did a list of my top 10 for 2017, which might give you some good reading ideas for 2018! You can check it out here: https://www.instagram.com/book0saurus/

  3. 1.2.18
    Micha said:

    Great post! I know what you mean about the phone thing and social media. That’s one of my goals as well.

    Would love to hear about how you started blogging. Would you ever post about that?

  4. 1.2.18

    Growing thru Grace is one of my favorite devotionals! They have a website and you basically listen to podcasts that are about 25 min. The Pastor is really smart and helps me better understand the Bible and get a lot out of it!

  5. 1.3.18
    Sasha said:

    Loved hearing about your goals for 2018! One of my goals this year is to be more present in each day instead of focusing on the future/past. Trusting that the Lord has a will and a way and being greatful for where he has me!


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