We are pregnant!!!!

I am so excited to finally share my biggest secret ever with you guys!  We found out that we were expecting this sweet little miracle about 8 weeks ago, and it has been so tough to keep it from you all for that long!  I’m almost 13 weeks pregnant now, and feeling so great.  I feel so lucky and blessed that the Lord chose Daniel and I to be this baby’s parents.  What an honor and a privilege!  Baby Denner is due in January 2019, and it can’t come soon enough!

We have had so much going on lately between buying a new home and traveling to Italy for the majority of May, that the weeks have been flying by.  Believe it or not, we found out that I was pregnant after we were in escrow on the new house and a few days before our Europe trip.  Crazy timing, but definitely the Lord’s perfect timing!

When we found out, we immediately booked this photo shoot because I have always talked about wanting photos done of us before our family grew from 2 to 3.  Daniel and I got married almost six years ago, and our wedding photos are the last professional photos we had done.  With moving out of our first house, it seemed so fitting to have these done in our home and I love how they turned out!  These photos were of our first ultrasound (done at about 7 weeks) and I’ve had a couple since then.  It is absolutely incredible how fast they grow!  Learning about the new things they do each week is definitely one of my favorite parts of pregnancy.

Overall I have been so lucky to have felt pretty good the entire first trimester, but I have had my days…haha.  Like the whole last week in Italy where I had complete food aversion to ALL Italian food 🙄.  What are the chances of that?!  (Remember all those times we went to Hard Rock Cafe in Rome?!). Most days I am feeling great though, and I have been able to continue working out and working just as normal.  Although, I have had to take a lot more snack breaks and a few more naps than normal…haha!

And while I’m so excited to bring you all along on our pregnancy journey, you can still expect to see all the types of posts I love to create for you here on the blog!  We will still focus on style, beauty, home decor, travel, etc. And as I get further along, I would love to gauge your interest on how/what parts of pregnancy you want to see me cover!  Let me know 🙂

Thank you all so much for following along!  We can’t even tell you how stinking excited we are to share this news with you!  Daniel and I have been waiting for this day, and I am so excited it’s here!  We are so grateful that you would join us in our excitement and follow along on this new journey with us!  Love you all so much!  xx, Daryl-Ann and Daniel Denner

Photos by Abbi Cooley


  1. 7.6.18
    Brittany Olds said:

    Best news ever! Congrats cuties! So excited for you guys!

  2. 7.6.18
    Hannah said:

    This makes me the happiest 🙂 Congratulations!!

  3. 7.6.18
    Sharon said:

    Oh my goodness! I am so happy for you two, what a blessing, congratulations!

  4. 7.6.18
    Autumn McGuire said:

    Awesome news! Congrats to you guys!

  5. 7.6.18
    Deanna said:

    Omg!! Congratulations!!!! So happy for you two!! 🙂 Beautiful pictures too!

  6. 7.6.18
    Teri brown said:

    So happy for you. I don’t think you know who I am but I use to help you at bank of the west. I really enjoy your Instagram posts I am too old for most of your style but I do steel some of your style and your make up recommendations. Congratulations

  7. 7.6.18
    Lisa B said:

    So exciting! Congrats!!!! Xo

  8. 7.6.18
    Danielle Eilers said:

    Yay! So happy!!!!

  9. 7.6.18
    Susan said:

    Congrats!!! The most exciting news ever. As blessed as you two are, this little miracle is equally blessed💕Btw do you follow duchessdani – she’s a blogger too and she just announced her and hubby are expecting -she’s 13 wks along. They are as cute as you and your hubby 😁

  10. 7.6.18
    KRIS said:

    I too follow your blog and instagram, how exciting for you two!! Congrats and cant wait to follow your journey!

  11. 7.6.18

    I just stumbled across your blog. Mommy-hood is great congrats to your family 🙂

  12. 7.6.18
    Jacquelyn said:

    I am so so so excited for you guys !!!! I want to see allllll the baby/pregnancy posts!!!! XOXOXOX

  13. 7.9.18
    Shireen Kabani said:

    Congrats!!! So happy for you! Are you going to do a gender reveal??

  14. 7.13.18
    Brenda Perla said:

    Ahh so beautiful 💕

  15. 7.18.18
    Marshondra said:

    So sweet and I love the photos they cam out amazing!
    Congratulations, and in pray many more blessings to you and your family!

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