Fringe & Scallops

Happy Monday!  I get to take the day off work today to hang out with my sister and cousins in Newport Beach and shop/lay by the pool all day!  Talk about a heavenly Monday!
I got this scalloped shirt the other day and have worn it multiple times since…woops ๐Ÿ˜‰  I love the way it is “semi-cropped” and that the sleeves are scalloped too! And, I get entirely too much use out of this fringe statement necklace.  Honestly, if you are going to only have one statement necklace, I would totally recommend this one.  There coloring goes with everything, and the length is perfect.
Sidenote: We are re-doing our laundry room, and I have been looking on Pinterest for ideas, and I had no idea you had so many options of what to do with a laundry room! So much for it being a simple update!  People legitimately have TV’s in their laundry rooms…I have no plans on spending that much time in there ๐Ÿ˜‰  Anyways, leave me a comment with your Pinterest favorites…I would love to see!
Hope you all have a fantastic week!  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. 8.17.15

    I love the scallop details on the top!

    • 8.19.15
      Daryl-Ann said:

      Thanks girl! Me too! When I saw it, I had to have it ๐Ÿ™‚

      Thanks for reading!! ๐Ÿ™‚


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