3 Tips for Staying Positive

[ann]Top: Free People | Jeans: Free People | Sandals: Tory Burch | Bag: Prada (Similar) | Earrings: Nordstrom[/ann]

Happy Friday friends! I’m so excited for this weekend because we are prepping for our Italy trip that we leave on next week.  And even though it can seem really easy to stay positive during exciting times like these, I thought I would share some tips today on how I stay positive on a regular basis.  Living happy is just so much more enjoyable than living upset or complaining constantly.  And so today I thought I’d share my top three tips for staying positive!  If you have any that help you stay in a good mood and enjoy your days, be sure to leave them in the comments below!


Start Each Day with 5 Things You’re Grateful For

More often than not, when I find myself complaining and down I am focused on what isn’t going right or what I don’thave.  But when I start each day with five things that I am grateful for, it shifts the entire rest of my day and I begin to focus more on what I dohave and what isgoing right!  We have so, so many things to thank God for every day!  Just the fact that we are healthy, have our parents around, sleep in a comfy bed, have a job that provides an income, etc. is a lot more than so many people have.  Focusing on what you are grateful for truly helps you stay more positive throughout the day!

CHOOSE to be Positive

Over the last year or so, I have really learned that being joyful is a choice.  Having a positive attitude is a choice that we get to make, or not make.  Now, I am not saying that nothing goes wrong or that being frustrated isn’t okay.  But what I am saying is that choosingto stay frustrated or unhappy isa choice.  I know you know people that have been in a bad mood since “X” happened to them 5 years ago.  Let’s not be that person!  Let’s choose to be in a good mood and bring others up with us!  Choosing to be positive really is contagious!

Surround Yourself with People Who Speak Life Into You

The company you keep makes the biggest difference in your own personal attitude!  Speaking from experience, whenever I surround myself with people who are sad, complaining, and stressed, I usually end up sad, complaining and stressed!  It’s not surprising then that whenever I spend time with people who are joyful and choosing to enjoy their days that I do the same!  These types of people will typically speak life into your life and help you with whatever struggles may be a part of your reality at the moment.

How do you stay positive?  Share some of your favorite tips in the comments below!


  1. 5.11.18
    Sharon said:

    These are such great tips! I always try to stay positive life is just better that way, we are so fortunate and blessed!

  2. 5.12.18
    Maria said:

    Love the tips…simple and doable!! I stay positive by choosing to look at the good in every situation – even when my car had to be towed to the mechanic! God always has something “good” hidden in the trials. We just have to choose to see it!💖

  3. 5.14.18
    Katherine L. said:

    Great tips. So simple to do, yet we often leave it up to external circumstances to dictate our attitude. We think that once we have this or that then we’ll be happy. Instead we should work on being positive regardless of what you have right now.

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